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Your bedroom is a place of rest and slumber, and your doors should be an extension of that. So how do you pick the right internal door for the job? After helping countless customers with their choice, we wanted to share some wisdom on how to find the ideal internal doors to help you doze off…

How do you pick a bedroom door?

Bedroom with open white doors

Choosing internal doors to complete your bedroom depends on a variety of factors. In our experience, the best choice is the one that suits your needs. We’re here to help you understand the available options so you can make the best decision for you.


When it comes to privacy, solid core, single leaf inside doors tend to be the best option. Styles with a panel of frosted glazing could work well for smaller rooms, but avoid glazing if shutting out the world is your top priority.


Our extensive range of interior doors covers a whole host of price points. If getting a door for your bedroom at an affordable price is a concern, rest assured it can be done. New internal doors don’t need to cost a lot to do a good job.

If you’re after the ultimate in value, a flush, hollow core door is a great choice. However, you might sacrifice the quiet and warmth you’d get with a solid door.


Some interior doors offer better sound proofing than others. If you want a peaceful night’s sleep, we recommend choosing a solid core door rather than a hollow core. They insulate better and will hep keep noise from outside to a minimum.


The style of your new door is really a matter of personal taste. You might have very traditional internal doors throughout your home so you’ll want your bedroom to match. Perhaps you have modern décor and would prefer a more contemporary style.

From panelled to flush doors, pine, oak or glazed, there are so many options to choose from. You’re sure to find your perfect match. Ultimately, the style choice is yours and there’s no right or wrong answer.


If you want a bedroom door you can install straight away, a pre finished door is your best bet. As the name suggests, it has a hardwearing finish applied in the factory and is ready to use as soon as it’s delivered. All you need to do is fit it and choose your door furniture.

However, if you want to add that finishing touch yourself, you could opt for an unfinished door. These are ready to be painted to match your bedroom décor, so you can choose an unusual paint colour, varnish or finish to suit your room.

Our range of interior wooden doors offers fully finished, primed and unfinished options so you can get the perfect look.

Light flow

Glazed doors can help you to get more light into your room, which is ideal if your bedroom is small or dark. However, you might prefer to opt for frosted glass to keep your space of slumber private and dark during the night time and early morning.

Another option is to install an internal door with solid panels and add a transom window above the door. This helps increase natural light whilst maintaining privacy, so it’s a popular alternative for bedrooms. If you want to tap into your circadian rhythms this could be a good solution.

Which wood is best for bedroom doors?

Oak wooden doors opening into a bedroom

Oak is the most suitable wood for most interior doors, including the bedroom. It’s affordable, stunning and hardwearing. Pine is another great and cost effective option.

Our huge range includes various materials, all are great quality and suitable for indoor use.

What is the most common bedroom door?

Single leaf door opening into a bedroom

A typical bedroom door is a single leaf, wooden design. Most people choose a style to suit their interior design preferences so there are many different looks, but the basics are the same.

However, that’s not the limit to the type of internal doors you can use for your bedroom.

Internal Door Types

If you want something different to the standard single leaf interior doors for your bedroom, here’s how. Our expert team understands the doors you can use in your property and where they’re best placed. Here’s our advice.

Can you use a bifold door for a bedroom?

Bedroom with open bifold doors to the balcony

Absolutely! You might think of bifolds as living room or kitchen doors, but they can be great for the bedroom too.

The most common use is external bifold doors that open out to your garden or a small balcony. What better than enjoying a cuppa outside on a sunny morning when you’ve just rolled out of bed?

Can you have french doors in a bedroom?

Woman opening french doors

Yes, you can! Just like bifolding doors, french doors can provide a fantastic way to access the outdoors right from your bedroom.

Do bedroom doors need to be fire doors?

Fire door opening to reveal bedroom

No, the door to your bedroom doesn’t need to be a fire door in most cases. If you’re particularly safety-conscious you might want to consider installing a door with an FD30 or FD60 fire rating but it isn’t usually a necessity.

Does a bedroom have to have a door?

We’ve talked a lot about finding a door for a bedroom, but is it even necessary? If you’re into open plan living, you might prefer to go without.

Open plan bedroom without a door

But bedroom doors do offer lots of benefits. From quiet to privacy, safety and security, the majority of people feel more comfortable with a door on their sleeping quarters. After all, being asleep does leave us vulnerable and it’s human nature to seek somewhere enclosed and protected to rest.

Is replacing a bedroom door easy?

Replacing internal doors, for your bedroom or other rooms, is relatively straightforward. You may need to trim the door before you add the hinges and handle. For further information check out our guide on how to hang an internal door.

screwdriver screwing in hinges of a door

There are also plenty of skilled joiners and carpenters offering an excellent service to ensure your doors are hung correctly, with no fuss.

How much does a bedroom door cost?

Prices start from under £30, making a replacement door for your bedroom more affordable than you might expect. However, depending on the material, size, style and finish you could spend up to £500 on a single-leaf door and more if you choose a door pair, french or bifold door.

Sleep Soundly with New Internal Doors

Person sleeping

The right bedroom door for you all depends on your own unique needs. It has to suit your house, help you to feel comfortable and relaxed. Why not take a look at our collection today and see if you can find the ideal internal doors for a sound night’s sleep.

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