Images used are for illustrative purposes, and variations in veneer colour and detail between doorsets should be expected.
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If you're looking for a white primed door sets with clean, modern styling, that's ready for final finishing, then this heavy-duty range of solid core, single leaf and casement pairs, is certainly worthy of your consideration. The White Shaker 1 Panel door set caters for all tastes, from conservative to contemporary.
We're convinced when you see the quality of the factory primer coat, you'll have difficulty believing the doors are not fully finished, but just to be on the safe side, we'd still recommend a further treatment application prior to hanging. The lack of glazing means these door sets are ideal for developers after a more simple look, and the solid core also means this door set has exceptional thermal properties, so is perfect for colder and more temperate climates.
Solid core door sets are also better at keeping out unwanted noise than their hollow cousins, and are generally considered as being stronger, higher quality and more reliable. A definite contender if you're in the market for something strong and sturdy but with a light and attractive aesthetic.
These doors make up a family suite of one, two and four panel internal door sets, with BS-en Compliant toughened glazed options (with both clear and privacy glass) giving you a variety of choices to suit the varying circumstances in your home. You can also choose the Shaker White Clear Glazed Fire Door Sets, an FD30 fire rated door set with clear pyroglass, providing fire safety around the home.
These doorsets are supplied pre-hung, with latch and strike-plate pre-fitted, with only the doorstop and handles to fit on-site meaning installation per-doorset takes on average around 20 minutes (not including decoration time). Perfect for renovations and large scale projects alike. Supplied base-coat primed, with full local authority compliant certification and in a vast array of sizes for your convenience.
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